
What is Achieve Test Prep?

Are you wondering how Achieve Test Prep can help you reach your goal of earning a degree? Find our what is Achieve Test Prep and how it can help you.

May 2024

Study smarter, not harder, with Achieve Test Prep. Achieve makes higher education possible for working adults who need to balance education with personal and professional responsibilities.  This is done by offering credit by exam test prep courses that  equip customers to test out of prerequisite and general education college courses as well as  prepare for college entrance and licensure exams with confidence. Achieve puts your college degree within reach so you can maximize your employment potential and earning opportunities. 

What Does Achieve Do?

Achieve empowers you to finish college sooner and with less stress. Fast-track your education goals with Achieve’s online prep courses so you can earn college-level credits that will transfer to 2900 accredited colleges that accept your credit by exam scores nationwide. Convenient, trusted, and flexible, Achieve Test Prep ensures that education fits within your busy schedule, and saves you time and money. Its programs are customized to fit your educational needs and career goals

What is Credit By Exam?

Credit by exam allows college students to receive full course credit for passing one proficiency test, similar to an end-of-course or final exam, to prove they have mastered the subject. Rather than attending an entire semester-long course, CLEP and DSST exams enable students to earn credits faster—saving time, money, and the hassle of attending the full course on-campus at their college. Credits earned through this process will then transfer to your college.  

Who Can Achieve Help?

Achieve works with students of all ages, socioeconomic backgrounds, education levels, and professional careers. It especially attends to the needs of working adults who have busy lives with family and career demands. Here are some students Achieve helps: 

  • Nursing Programs: If you are an LPN, CNA, Paramedic, EMT, Surgical Technician, Medical Assistant, or other healthcare professional, Achieve can help you begin on the path to become an RN. For example, when you uplevel from CNA to LPN, you stand to earn 30% more income per year. Achieve’s education services are ideally suited for the demanding schedules and personal needs of working healthcare professionals. In addition to prerequisite and general education test prep courses, Achieve provides nursing school entrance exam prep for TEAS, HESI, PAX-RN, KAPLAN, DHEEP, and more—as well as licensure exam prep for NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN tests. Visit our free nursing path webinar today.
  • Dental Hygiene Program: Achieve provides the knowledge and confidence needed to successfully pass the ADTH and NBDHE dental exams as well as preparing you for the general education courses needed to pass and obtain a college degree and begin work as a dental hygienist.  
  • General Studies Programs: No matter what type of degree you seek, Achieve can help you get there on your own terms, and faster than simply completing a traditional college program. Looking to earn a business, IT/computer science, marketing, healthcare administration, education, criminal justice, or other degree? Achieve provides flexible, online test prep courses to accelerate your career prospects.

Trust Achieve to do what it does best — support you academically, so you can do what you do best professionally.

What Is Achieve Best At?

Achieve Test Prep helps hard-working professionals like you reach their career goals by streamlining their educational journey. 

Its customers have a 93% pass rate for CLEP and DSST exams. Achieve provides consistent schedule support, effective study habit training, and accountability partnership to ensure your success. Here is what Achieve does best: 

Test Prep Courses

Achieve test prep courses are typically three hours per week for five to eight weeks. This gives you the flexibility you need for the rest of your work, schooling, family, and life demands. Also included in all of its programs, Achieve offers access to your instructors for live learning when any questions or concerns arise. Because Achieve is committed to ensuring you master the subject, it is here to support you at your convenience, anytime

College Tutoring

Because Achieve understands that college can be hard, it’s here to help you with your core degree courses. It provides one-on-one college tutoring to help you make the grade in any core courses you might be struggling with. 

Entrance and License Exam Tutoring

Pass your nursing or dental entrance and licensure exams the first time . Achieve provides test prep support, practice exams, and effective study resources so you can be confident that you’re ready for exam success. 

How Can Achieve Help Me Reach My Goals?

Achieve Test Prep is here to help you be your best in your college education journey so you can realize your career goals sooner. Choosing Achieve may just be the smartest choice you make to get ahead in college. 

Step 1: Discover your test-out course credit options

Achieve works with you to create a clear path to your chosen career by laying out all of your college requirements in a personalized, step-by-step college plan. Part of this planning process involves identifying which courses you can test out of so you can earn your degree sooner. 

Step 2: Complete your Achieve test prep courses

Prepare to earn credit by exam from the comfort of your own home and on your time. Achieve guides you through the learning process and is there for you when you need it. With its live, online courses, you will gain the confidence you need to pass your exam. Enjoy Achieve’s community of like-minded student-professionals and live instructor support who are there to answer questions and cheer you on. You don’t have to go this alone; Achieve is here for you through every step.

Step 3: Pass your exam

When you sit down to take your exam at a test center or online, you’ll have confidence that you have prepared. Upon successful completion, you’ll receive credits for your passing CLEP or DSST score that will transfer to the accredited college. If you ever do need to retake an exam, Achieve is here to help by providing you with continued access to your test prep course and additional advisory services. 

Step 4: Transfer your credits

Once you pass, share your scores with Achieve and your college so you can transfer your credits. Achieve will guide you through transferring credit by exam scores to your college. With Achieve’s help, you’re never alone in making your college education goals a reality. 

Why You’ll Love Achieve

Faster, smarter test prep

Achieve enables you to excel faster in your college education journey. Gain greater confidence and flexibility as you  test out of prerequisite and general education courses and prepare for licensure exams. 

More flexibility, less stress

Achieve meets you where you are in your college education journey. Achieve supports you on your terms, with your busy schedule, and on your budget. With Achieve, you will experience greater flexibility and less stress so you can attend to your school, work, and family demands. 

Access to greater employment opportunities and earning potential 

When you make smarter college education decisions, you prime yourself for a better future and a better career. Achieve makes it possible for you to begin the path to a college degree which will provide better employment opportunities and greater earning potential. 

It’s all about studying smarter, not harder in your college education so you can obtain the career you want. Achieve is here for you.

Take the next step

Move towards your education and career advancement goals in less time with a more supportive, flexible program built for busy, working adults.

Take the first step

Find out how to use innovative learning solutions to finish your degree requirements faster. Why not take the next step and see if you’re a good candidate for our credit by exam program.

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