Twas the Night Before Christmas for Nurses
This poem was adapted from Clement Clarke Moore’s “Twas the Night Before Christmas” as a fun way to show all nurses how much we appreciate you. Enjoy!

Twas the Night Before Christmas for Nurses - A Poem
Twas the night before Christmas at the nursing desk,
All were fully exhausted from holiday stress.
It was calm on the floor, and dare I say quiet;
Oh no, not the “Q” word, don’t try to deny it!
Lights, they started flashing and buzzers did ring.
It was a full on disaster, and no little thing.
Nurses were running to and from, in answer to calls,
Noises were emanating from throughout the halls.
When farther down the hallway there arose such a clatter,
All nurses on call jumped to see what was the matter.
Upon entering the last room, numbered 264;
I looked in every corner, from ceiling to floor.
There sat a small book thrown aside, next to the wall.
A boy child looked out and cried, I wish snow would fall.
I sat on his bed to comfort, and gently I said;
“Why do you so wish for snow, when stuck in this bed?”
He looked long and hard at me, then started to say;
"Snowflakes falling from the sky, just feel like Christmas Day."
I smiled while softly placing his book, upon the side table.
“Sweetie, I’d try to make it snow, if I were so able.”
I tucked him up tightly, with a kiss upon head;
Before turning out his light, and leaving his bed.
Walking back into the hall, a memory popped.
A perfect gift for this boy, as if I had shopped.
I ran to the desk to grab it, a special surprise;
A miniature snow globe, eight reindeer inside.
The small boy awoke at dawn, beside him a toy;
His eyes and smile oh so wide, he cried tears of joy.
Even better than Santa, it was from his nurse.
It came with a tiny card, and a little verse.
Now he could see snow falling, each day of the year.
It was his very own token of sweet Christmas cheer.
While working through the holidays, leaves you in tatters;
Please note and remember, what you do matters.
To nurses and their patients, keep up the good fight.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
We know it’s not easy to be away from family and friends as you work to care for others, especially during the holiday nursing shifts. What you do really does make a difference, and we appreciate you. Happy Holidays from Achieve Test Prep!
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