
Acing the 2024 CLEP Exam: A Comprehensive Guide

College can be an intense, years-long experience. Course stress compounded by family and work pressures can be too much to handle. In fact, 40% of college students drop out every year. Such a high withdrawal rate means that students need more practical alternatives to the traditional, 4-year college education.

July 2024
Female student preparing for the CLEP exam.

So how can you strategically leverage your existing knowledge to fast-track your college education journey? CLEP does just that. By preparing for and taking 90-minute CLEP exams, you could test out of up to two years. 

This comprehensive 2024 guide will help you decide if a CLEP exam is right for you. In it, you’ll learn what a CLEP exam is, its benefits, whether it’s your best choice, and how to best gear up for CLEP success

You’ll also learn how to craft your study plan, master exam day, and how to successfully maneuver your post-exam journey. As a bonus, we’ll let you in on the 5 easiest CLEP exams. CLEP exams, with their fast-track results, are a game-changer for busy, ambitious students like yourself. So let’s get started!

Demystifying the CLEP Exam

The College-Level Examination Program or CLEP exam is a smart way to graduate from college sooner. By taking this credit-by-exam test, you sidestep traditional, semester-long courses for 90-120-minute tests. 

CLEP exams can give you college credit for prerequisite and general education college courses. With numerous exam options, the CLEP program provides a real solution to college drop-out concerns busy working students face.

What Is a CLEP Exam?

Overseen by the College Board and developed 50 years ago, the CLEP program helps busy working adults graduate faster from college. As mentioned, this college credit by exam tests you on your mastery of introductory and general education courses. 

The CLEP credit-by-exam test gives you full credit for passing a 100-question, multiple-choice exam. Some CLEP exams, like College Composition and language tests, require written essays. Costing $93 to register, these college credit exams can be taken year-round at 2000+ testing centers nationwide and internationally. 

There are 34 CLEP exam topics under 5 subject areas: history, social sciences, composition and literature, science, mathematics, business, and world languages. Here are the topics tested:

Your exam is accepted at 2900 colleges and universities internationally. Students can earn 3-12 college credits for each passed exam.

Here are some useful CLEP exam fast facts:

Benefits of Taking a CLEP Exam

College credit-by-exam tests are a clear win for college students looking to save money, time, and hassle in their college education journey. Whether you’re a high school student or a busy working adult, these exams ensure you fast-track your education on your own terms. 

Here are some reasons why taking the CLEP college credit exam is the smartest move you can make for your college learning experience:

Level-Up with Self-Directed Learning

If you want to have greater control and autonomy over your college education, “CLEPing-out” of semester-long coursework can give you an edge. With self-directed learning, you study on your own schedule, pace, and terms. In this way, you can fit your study routine around your busy work life and family priorities. 

This can help reduce the stress of a rigorous college schedule that requires your full attendance and participation. Create habits around what matters most to you. In this way, when it comes time to study for CLEP exams, you are fully able to invest the time and effort.

Graduate Faster and More Affordably 

With CLEP exams, you can possibly graduate a year faster than the traditional college route. Earning your degree sooner can also fast-track your career. This will not only open you to job positions earlier, but it can also boost your anticipated salary. With CLEP, you can showcase your expertise and initiative to hiring employers, making you a more attractive candidate. 

Additionally, the saved tuition costs when you forgo semester-long college courses add up. With an average cost of $1431 for a 3-credit course, taking a CLEP exam will also save you on additional college fees and textbook costs.   

Year-Round Testing Access

Unlike the college credit-by-exam AP tests which only allow for the May examination, CLEP testing is available to students year-round. You can also retake your CLEP college credit exams a second time after three months of further preparation. 

An open, year-long examination timetable helps you maximize your CLEP credits in volume. As such, you are not restricted to earning CLEP credits by a strict access window. 

Is a CLEP Exam Right for You?

CLEP exams are open to everyone, including high school and college students alike. Although designed for working adults returning to college, they also welcome military service members and homeschooled students. In sum, CLEP exams primarily serve:

Busy Working Adults

Credit-by-exam tests cater to working adults returning to college to finish their degrees or beginning afresh. Those considering going back to school but are daunted by the cost and time demands are comforted by the solutions CLEP testing offers. 

Because of work and family demands, CLEP has been a practical and effective strategy to help these busy students complete their college education journey faster and more affordably.   

Students With Prior Learning

CLEP exams test the knowledge you’ve earned from your career experience and past studies. As such, if you have subject matter expertise in a particular course, this knowledge can carry over to earned CLEP college credits. As such, expertise acquired from any source is welcome. However, unlike an AP exam, CLEP college credit exams do not require you to sit for a course for your exam preparation.     

For example, if you are a seasoned nurse with on-the-job experience with psychiatric patients, your acquired know-how could help you with the Introduction to Psychology exam. On the other hand, if you’ve prepared for a psychology AP exam in high school, you could pay that forward toward a CLEP test. 

How Do I Register for a CLEP Exam?

Signing up to take a CLEP test is fairly straightforward. Here are step-by-step registration instructions to get you on board:

  • Choose Your Exam: Start by selecting which CLEP exam you want to take; select from the 34 different exam subjects available. 
  • Create an Account: Visit the College Board’s official CLEP website and create an account. This is where you’ll manage your exam details and receive updates.
  • Find a Test Center: Locate a nearby test center. As mentioned, CLEP college credit exams are offered at over 2,000 colleges and universities across the United States. Some international sites are available as well.
  • Register and Pay Fees: Once you’ve chosen your test center, register for the exam. Although the exam fee is $93, this doesn’t include possible administration fees charged by the test center.
  • Schedule Your Exam: After registration, contact the test center to schedule a date and time for your exam. Test centers operate on their own schedules, so availability can vary.

Crafting Your CLEP Study Plan

When it comes to credit by exam test preparation, it’s critical to ensure that you have a personalized plan that works for you. Develop a tailored review schedule that is responsive to your life priorities and flexible to your study needs. 

In preparing for the CLEP exam, use study materials that are available on the CLEP website or other educational resources. Some students also benefit from formal review courses. Here’s a preview of how to study for the CLEP college credit exam, use CLEP Study resources, and helpful self-care habits to maximize your score. So let’s get started:

How to Study For a CLEP Exam

Assess Your Current Knowledge

Begin your CLEP study journey by taking a practice test to assess where you stand on your level of understanding. This will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. It will also help guide you on where best to focus your efforts. 

Set Clear Goals

For each study session, define what your SMART goals are. SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives. Work to break down overall goals into clear and actionable steps for your study plan. 

Also, determine whether you are aiming for speed and accuracy under exam conditions or whether you’re looking to deepen your knowledge of a specific topic. Clearly defined objectives will help you sharpen your focus. 

Develop a Study Schedule

Time management is the most critical element needed for study success. Break down your study time into manageable sessions, ensuring you cover all topics without being overwhelmed. Allocate more time to subjects you find challenging and less to those you’re confident with.

Use Varied Resources

Don’t rely on a single source of information and review for your study strategy. Combine official CLEP materials, third-party books, online courses, and practice exams to provide well-rounded preparation. Diverse materials also prevent study fatigue and help accommodate different learning styles.

Practice Regularly

Regular practice under timed conditions can help ease anxiety and improve your time management skills. Use a variety of practice questions to ensure you’re ready for anything the CLEP credit-by-exam test contains.

Review and Modify 

Regularly review your progress and adjust your plan as needed. If certain strategies aren’t working, or if some areas need more attention, be flexible and make changes to your study schedule.

Seek Feedback

If possible, get feedback on your practice tests from a mentor or a knowledgeable peer. They can provide insights you might have overlooked and suggest ways to improve your answers. This strategy also gets you out of studying alone all the time.

Accept and Learn From Failure 

Don’t try to pass it all in one go! It’s okay not to pass on your first try. Just retool and learn from your mistakes for the second try.

Top CLEP Study Resources and Tools

Creating a study habit worthy of passing the CLEP exam is essential to exam success. Here are the best study resources to help you ace your CLEP college credit exam:

The CLEP Official Study Guide

Use Achieve Test Prep as a primary study resource as well as the Official CLEP Study Guides from the College Board. These guides provided a broad overview of each exam and are a great tool for quick reviews before test day.

CLEP Study Guides

CLEP study guides that aid in preparing for your CLEP test have been helpful in ensuring students pass their exam. Although this is a more hands-on approach to test taking, you succeed when you actively learn the material. Namely, taking notes, making flashcards, and practicing questions from such study guides will help you succeed with your exam. 

Practice Tests

One of the best ways to keep you on track is to test your knowledge with practice exams. They ensure you have sufficiently prepared for exam time. This is especially true if you take such tests under time conditions and similar testing circumstances. In this way, you can know where you shine in your learning and places where you might need a little extra help.

Social Resources: Facebook and Reddit Groups

Joining thriving social communities like Facebook groups and subreddit channels can help you feel like you’re not alone. These platforms encourage members on their study track, provide tips for successfully preparing for their CLEP exam, and post relevant questions about your CLEP journey. They’re great for emotional support and cheering you on in your progress. 

Self-Care Habits

Taking time for self-care is one of the most important ways you can refuel your energy and focus for CLEP exam preparation. Here are 3 tips to ensure you remain on point:

Prioritize Quality Sleep

7-8 hours of sleep each day will prime your brain for focus and memory retention. Create and abide by a consistent sleep routine for optimal mental clarity and function. And remember to avoid late-night or last-minute cramming to offset burnout and poor memory recall. 

Fuel Your Focus

Boost your focus with brain-rich nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Hydrate your body to ensure you remain sharp and alert throughout your study day.

Embrace De-Stressing Techniques

Remember to make time for relaxation with outdoor study breaks, meditation, stretches, or physical activity. Prioritizing ways to de-stress will help optimize your focus and calm as you work through your study day. 

Mastering Test Day

Offset exam-day stress by coming ready and prepared. Remembering these tips will prime you for scoring well on your CLEP college credit exam:

Test Day Preparation 

Ensure you have had a good night’s sleep before the exam and remember to eat a nutritious breakfast to keep your energy levels strong. Remember to set your alarm early and wear comfortable, layered clothes. 

Arrive at the test center early to avoid any last-minute stress and to complete all of the administrative requirements. Call your test center and ask them about the best time to show up. 

What to Bring

Carry your registration ticket and a valid, unexpired form of identification. Bring extra pens and pencils. You will get some scratch paper to do some calculations and notes. Proctors will collect these upon the completion of the exam as no such notes can leave the exam room. 

Test-Taking Strategies 

Start by answering questions you are confident about to secure easy marks and build momentum. Manage your time effectively. Allot more time for questions that carry higher marks or require more thought. 

If you’re stuck, make an educated guess — there’s no penalty for wrong answers on the CLEP. And if you skip a question, come back to it when you’re more ready. Don’t waste time stressing about the “Oh no, I don’t know this” or “This wasn’t in my study guide!”. Some test questions might throw you off. Do your best to keep your eyes on the prize: finishing the exam with your best efforts.

What is on a CLEP Exam?

The Catch: There are some sneaky questions in each CLEP exam that are designed to be difficult because they weren’t in the syllabus. These don’t actually because they will be ungraded. Approximately 10-20 questions like these will possibly be graded in future exams. 

CLEP Question Types

Fact Recall: These questions test your ability to remember specific, study-material facts.

Application: These questions ask you to apply your knowledge in practical, real-world scenarios.

Analysis: These questions require you to interpret data or texts and make inferences based on your understanding. These can oftentimes be difficult to guess, as answers may appear similar; depend on your discerning abilities as well as your previous experience.

Where Do You Take a CLEP Exam? 

As mentioned, CLEP college credit exams are conducted at over 2,000 test centers, including colleges, universities, and other educational institutions across the United States. International options exist, but they come with higher testing costs.  

Can I Take a CLEP Exam Online?

The online option is only available for testing in the United States. Monitoring and compliance with the test-taking environment are very strict. Oftentimes distractions at home can throw you off. Proctoring online can be nerve-wracking as it may feel like the monitor is watching you like a hawk. 

Getting a clean, empty room without any posters on the wall can be a bigger struggle than just going to a local testing center. The room needs to be sparse and you must show them the whole desk as that is audited. You will only be permitted cabled devices; Bluetooth devices are prohibited.

Your Post-Test Journey

You did it! You completed the CLEP exam. Now’s the moment of truth: how did you do? Remember, even if you did not do as well as you would have liked, retaking the exam in 3 months is always an option. But first, understand how you scored and how to submit your CLEP credit by exam results to your college.  

Understanding Your Score

After you finish a CLEP test, you’ll immediately get an unofficial score for most tests unless it includes a written essay. Right when you hit submit, your score appears. Scores range from 20 to 80, with 50 generally being the cutoff for earning college credit. However, each institution might have different requirements. 

How to Submit Your CLEP Scores to Your College

You can have these scores sent directly to your college if you choose. You’ll also find them in your College Board student profile. Passing a CLEP exam could earn you between 3 to 12 college credits. Check before you take the test whether and to what extent your college accepts CLEP test credit. 

Leveraging Your CLEP Success

To maximize the impact of your CLEP college credit exam success:

1. Plan Your Credits Wisely: As mentioned, understand which CLEP exams your institution accepts and how they fit into your academic plan. Achieve Test Prep can help guide you through this.

2. Communicate with Your Advisor: Discuss your CLEP results with your academic advisor to ensure the credits effectively apply to your degree requirements.

3. Highlight Your Achievement: Include your CLEP successes in your academic resume, particularly when applying for internships, jobs, or transfer applications. It shows initiative and the ability to master college-level material independently.

What Happens If I Fail the Exam?

Failing a CLEP exam can be disheartening, but it’s not the end of your journey. As mentioned, you can retake the exam after a three-month waiting period. Use this time to assess and strengthen your understanding of the subject matter. Analyzing which areas you struggled with and focusing your studies on those topics can be particularly effective.

Conclusion: Why CLEP Exams May Be the Smartest College Move You Can Make

In sum, CLEP exams are worth the effort, preparation, and time you make to succeed. If you plan well, you can graduate in as soon as three years. You also sidestep the time, expense, and stress of semester-long courses at your college. Choosing to take a CLEP test also highlights your initiative and skill to future employers seeking such can-do candidates. In this way, you also get yourself hired faster because of the saved semesters. As such, CLEP can be the smartest college move you make for your education and future career. 

About Achieve

Achieve Test Prep’s mission is to make higher education more accessible and affordable for busy working adults. Our live, online instruction, support services like tutoring and mentoring, and flexible course schedules help prepare you to test out of introductory college courses through credit by exam at the accredited college of your choice, stay motivated and on track toward your degree, and work toward career advancement.

Ready to Get Started with Achieve Test Prep?

If you’re liking what you hear, we welcome you to try Achieve Test Prep today! Preparing for a CLEP exam with us lets you get ahead faster in your college education journey. Skip the fuss, time and expense of taking semester-long courses by studying with Achieve for your credit by exam tests. Like so many of our happy customers, you’ll be glad you chose Achieve. We’re here for you whenever you need us!

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